
We can’t wait to celebrate with you in your decision to be water baptized here at River of Life! Registration is available for adults, youth and children, elementary age and up.

where does baptism come from?

When God had Moses build the Tabernacle in the wilderness after Israel had been delivered from Egypt, He instructed him to set up a bowl of water that the priests would use to ceremonially wash their hands and feet before entering the tent of meeting with God. This became a statute for the Jewish people forever, throughout their generations. This is why even Jesus himself was baptized- to fulfill this statute!

EXODUS 30:17-21

Is it more than just a public declaration?

Yes! Not only are you letting everyone know that you belong to Christ, but you are also publicly declaring that you are done with sin, and you are choosing to identify with the resurrected life of Jesus instead! Just like a man and woman say “I do” at the altar and then consummate their marriage in intimacy later on, in the same way, we say “I do” to follow Jesus, and water baptism is the consummation of our “I do” to him! It is very intimate!

should i be baptized?

When you give your life to Jesus, you receive a special invitation – to die with Him and be resurrected with Him! Jesus is so humble and amazing that He doesn’t mind sharing His cross, grave, or resurrection with us! Though our response to this invitation seems relatively simple, its effect on your life is supernatural! In the passage from Romans above, Paul wants to make it clear that when you are baptized into Jesus, you allow all of your sinfulness to be crucified and buried with Him! In addition, we are invited to be joined to Him in His resurrection, meaning that Jesus’ resurrected life becomes our own! The connection to the Father, the joy, the freedom, the power, and the authority all become our own as we identify with the resurrection of Jesus!

ROMANS 6:1-5